Few products can take responsibility for creating a whole new category, but in the case of Not Your Father’s Root Beer from Wauconda, Illinois–based Small Town Brewery, the claim is well earned. When the brew began rolling out nationally in early 2015, the hard soda concept was largely unknown. Less than two years later, brands from Anheuser-Busch InBev, MillerCoors, Boston Beer Co. and numerous others populate the alcoholic soda space. Small Town’s partnership with Pabst Brewing Co. has made Not Your Father’s a household name and has helped the brand deal with supply issues that plagued its distribution channels last summer. “Pabst is a great partner and has had a huge impact by helping us take the product nationwide,” Small Town owner Tim Kovac told Market Watch earlier this year. Not Your Father’s Root Beer sold 3 million (2.25-gallon) cases in 2015, according to Impact Databank, and the brand is projected to deplete over 5 million cases this year. Kovac cited Ohio, Texas, Illinois, New York and Michigan as the biggest markets, followed by Pennsylvania, Florida, California, Indiana and Massachusetts. “Those top 10 markets account for half of Not Your Father’s Root Beer volume,” he added, noting that the product skews heavily toward the off-premise. The brand added Not Your Father’s Ginger Ale in November 2015, followed by Not Your Father’s Vanilla Cream Ale this spring, and Kovac said more products are in the works.