Already renowned for its extensive cigar portfolio, Davidoff of Geneva has entered the on-premise arena with the debut of upscale spirits bars in Las Vegas and Tampa, Florida. The venues sell a wide range of cigars and also offer full lists of whiskies, specialty cocktails, wine and beer. The Davidoff of Geneva bar in Las Vegas opened in December inside Fashion Show Mall, boasting more than 200 spirits, from Bourbons and rye whiskies to rare Scotch whiskies like the Macallan ‘M’ Crystal Decanter bottling (spirits are $10 to $600 a 2-ounce pour). The venue also offers signature cocktails ($14) like the Aficionado, blending Four Roses Single Barrel Bourbon and house-made smoked honey tea syrup. It also boasts cigar and spirits pairings ($22 to $58), such as the Full Aroma, which includes The Glenlivet 15-year-old French Oak Reserve Scotch whisky and a Padron 1964 Aniversario Imperial Maduro cigar. The space houses a walk-in humidor and indoor-outdoor seating areas.
The Davidoff of Geneva bar in Tampa, Florida, opened in February. Located in the MetWest Shopping Village, the Tampa location is larger than the Las Vegas venue at 5,000 square feet and boasts a more extensive spirits and cigar menu. It’s also fully humidified, so the cigar retail area and on-premise bar share the same space. Davidoff of Geneva’s U.S. operations are based in Tampa and the new bar claims to have the largest collection of whiskies and small-batch Bourbons in the city, listing roughly 400 spirits on its menu ($6.95 to $700 a 2-ounce pour). The offerings include rare pours like the Johnnie Walker King George V blended Scotch whisky ($149 a 1.5-ounce pour) and The Macallan 62-year-old single malt Scotch whisky ($2,700 a 1-ounce pour). The Tampa bar also lists several classic cocktails ($9.95 to $300) and has an extensive Port collection ($8.99 to $59.99 a 2-ounce pour). Davidoff of Geneva has been ramping up its retail strategy in recent years. Along with Las Vegas and Tampa, Davidoff operates retail stores in New York City, Atlanta and Houston.