Sam’s Club Rolls Out Same-Day Delivery

Instacart, the grocer’s partner, will handle the deliveries in select markets across 11 states.

Sam's Club, owned by Walmart, will now offer same-day beverage alcohol delivery (delivery truck pictured) at 215 of its stores.
Sam's Club, owned by Walmart, will now offer same-day beverage alcohol delivery (delivery truck pictured) at 215 of its stores.

Sam’s Club has launched same-day beverage alcohol delivery at 215 of its stores. Instacart, the grocer’s partner, will handle the deliveries in select markets across 11 states, including Florida, California, Missouri, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Ohio, Wyoming, Connecticut, Texas, and Minnesota. Sam’s Club is owned by Walmart, which also offers alcohol delivery in select markets through its Walmart Grocery service.